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Smart Meetings & Habits 2.0: What's New
Smart Meetings & Habits 2.0: What's New

Learn about what's new with Smart Meetings and Habits!

Updated over a month ago

Welcome to Smart Meetings and Habits 2.0! This exciting new launch delivers an innovative way to schedule recurring team meetings at the best time for everyone, and also includes major improvements for your Habits and smart meeting scheduling.

The team has been hard at work bringing this together for you. Let's take a look at some of the updates that are ready to explore, and an overview of what's coming next.

What's new ✨

Smart Meetings and Habits 2.0 introduce a lot of improvements and upgrades. Let's take a closer look.

Multi-person meetings

The big highlight -- you can now set up Smart Meetings with 3 or more people! Just add them as attendees on any meeting, set their hours, and you're off to the races.

Unlimited frequency settings

This update delivers even more frequency options (anything you can do in Google Calendar) for Habits and Smart Meetings, including:

  • Every day: Schedule on all days of the week

  • Weekly: Scheduled on any days of the week

  • Monthly: Schedule any date or weekday of the month

  • Custom: Schedule any number of days, weeks, or months

Custom in particular allows you to set up really complex frequencies, such as scheduling a Smart Meeting or Habit on the 2nd Friday of each month:

Min and max durations for Smart Meetings

Previously, you could only set min and max durations on Habits, but you can now do the same for your Smart Meetings. For example, you can set a meeting to be at least 30m and no more than 45m if you want it to flex around busy weeks.

Target calendar support

When creating a Smart Meeting or Habit v2, you can now select which calendar you want it to schedule on:

  • For Habits, this can be any writeable Connected Calendar.

  • For Smart Meetings, the calendar no longer has to be your main account in Reclaim, but it still needs to be the primary calendar, not a sub-calendar.

This is great for scheduling personal Habits on a calendar that doesn't block up work availability, or for setting up 1:1s for different corporate identities if you're consulting, for example.

Note: The target calendar can only be changed upon creation of a new Habit or Smart Meetings series.


You can now fine-tune how Smart Meetings and Habits schedule relative to each other with dependencies.

For example, you could have a "prep for weekly team meeting" Habit always come before the weekly Smart Meeting. Or, you could make sure your exercise Habit never comes after your Lunch Habit, or that you never do two specific Habits on the same day.

Availability mapping

When editing and viewing a Smart Meeting, you can now clearly see the timezone of each attendee and the overlapping hours (or lack thereof) of all required attendees.

Optional attendees

You can set attendees to optional to exclude them from being considered for a Smart Meeting, which gives you flexibility in cases where you have a meeting that includes a couple of people with very busy schedules.

Change log

When viewing a Smart Meeting or Habit, you can see all the periods of time when it should schedule – as well as periods that have been skipped because no free time could be found.

Additionally, you can select View change log and get a deeper look for any event for a Habit or Smart Meeting and understand why it was skipped or rescheduled due to a conflict.

Lastly, you can edit the details of any Smart Meeting or Habit starting on a particular date. For example, you may want to edit just events after a certain date to include another attendee, or change the frequency.

No-risk automatic scheduling

Reclaim now gives you the ability to leave Smart Meetings and Habits on the calendar when it can't find time for them. This is really useful in cases where you're setting up a Smart Meeting that involves a ton of busy people, and want to ensure that the meeting doesn't get removed if it can't find time. Instead, Reclaim will just leave it at its ideal time, which means it won't disappear from the schedule.

You'll see a ⚠️ emoji on events that Reclaim left on the calendar after being unable to find time for them.

New emoji settings for Smart Meetings & Habits

You can now access emoji settings for your Habit and Smart Meetings to customize which emojis you want to display on your calendar events, and where in the title they appear. Update your emoji settings under Settings > General. If you preferred the old 🆓 or 🛡️ emojis, you can re-enable them here.

Smart Meetings notification settings

Manage which email notifications you and/or your attendees receive for Smart Meetings:

  • At-Risk Smart Meetings: A daily digest of upcoming Smart Meetings that are at risk of not being scheduled in the next 2 weeks.

  • New Meetings Detected (coming soon): Receive an email every 2 weeks when Reclaim finds new recurring meetings on your calendar that could be converted to Smart Meetings.

  • Send Updates for Meeting Changes: Notify attendees when meetings are moved, rescheduled, or canceled using standard Google Calendar notification emails.

Intelligent priority boosts

Smart Meetings help you find time for meetings that have been subject to conflicts and cancelations, so your lower-priority meetings don't fall through the cracks over the course of busy weeks. Reclaim does this by "boosting" the priority of lower-priority meetings if it detects that they've been skipped or missed for several weeks in a row.

For example, a Medium Priority weekly meeting will automatically be prioritized as a High Priority if missed the previous week, and then Critical Priority if missed two weeks in a row.

Native conference room integration

In addition to videoconferencing links and custom locations, you can now choose from your Google Workspace resources to set conference rooms as the location for your Smart Meetings.

Advanced videoconferencing settings

You can instantiate Zoom links and Google Meet links directly from our integrations, or you can use your Zoom calendar add-ons (or any other videoconferencing solution) to add videoconferencing details to the events directly on your calendar.

It's now easier than ever to modify or add videoconference and location details to your Smart Meetings and Habits, with or without using Reclaim's app.

Travel time on Habits and Smart Meetings

Now, you can use Reclaim's Travel Time feature to automatically add travel time to Habits and Smart Meetings when a location is detected.

Native support for Lattice, Fellow, Zoom, and more

Because Smart Meetings now use natural recurring events for scheduling, they will integrate seamlessly with any platform that uses recurring events as an anchor. That means that associating (for example) your agendas in Lattice or Fellow with your Smart Meetings, or using things like Zoom Rooms, will work just the same as they would on any normal recurring meeting.

Get started with Smart Meetings & Habits v2

Getting started is simple:

  1. Head to the Smart Meetings and Habits 2.0 activation page. Push the button to automatically migrate all your Habits and Smart 1:1s to the latest and greatest.

  2. Wait 30 mins for migration to finish. Reclaim will automatically move all your Smart 1:1s and Habits, and it may take a bit. You'll know when it's done from the status banner in the app.

  3. Review your events. Take a look at your new Habits and Smart Meetings to ensure they're set up to your liking. Everything should be exactly the same as it was!

  4. Convert your other detected routines and meetings. Head to your detected Habits and detected meetings pages to check out which ones you can convert to Habits and Smart Meetings. Try converting a 3+ person meeting!

Things to note

Smart 1:1s are now also Smart Meetings

Smart 1:1s will now merge into Smart Meetings. When you activate Smart Meetings, your existing Smart 1:1s will be converted into Smart Meetings between two people, and offer more customization for frequencies, target calendar support, dependencies, and more. Your Habits will also be automatically converted to the latest and greatest.

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