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Overview: Using Planner to view and manage your smart Reclaim events
Overview: Using Planner to view and manage your smart Reclaim events

The Planner isn't a full-blown calendar, but it's a great interface for managing your Reclaim smart events and making changes.

Updated over 7 months ago

Reclaim's Planner gives you an interface for managing and making changes to your Reclaim smart events from directly within the Reclaim app. The Planner isn't a full-blown calendar replacement (for that, we recommend using Reclaim with your existing calendar client) but it contains a ton of controls and special actions to manage your Reclaim stuff.

This doc will cover the different parts of the Planner that you can use as well as how to use it to view and manage your schedule.

Planner breakdown

The Planner has several main components that you can use to view and manage your schedule. Below, we'll detail each of them and provide some high-level info on what purpose they serve.

Calendar view

The calendar view of the Planner shows you all your events from all connected calendars in Reclaim.

Within the calendar view, Reclaim adds some special treatment to events so that you can see their status at a glance as well as take actions on them. It also provides common actions that you might want to take on events or actions to modify how your schedule shows to you.

Free vs. Busy events

Reclaim automatically toggles your events between free and busy to keep your scehdule flexible, and in the Planner, free events are shown with a dashed outline. Busy events will be filled in and have a solid outline, as shown below.

All-day events marked busy

When an all-day event is on your calendar and marked busy, it will prevent Reclaim from scheduling over it. To indicate this, the Planner adds a grey dashed pattern to the days where all-day events are present to help you know when an all-day event is consuming your availability.

Navigation controls

You can navigate between days or weeks as well as select a day or week view of the schedule using the navigation controls at the top of the calendar. You can also change which day of the week your Planner starts on by editing it in your Google Settings.

"View as" controls

Sometimes it can be helpful to double-check your privacy and availability in Reclaim and ensure that your colleagues aren't seeing anything you don't want them to. Reclaim offers a special "View as" control that lets you see what your schedule will look like to others who view it.

Day filter views

You can also adjust how you want to view your calendar in the Planner by selecting from multiple options for day views to, for example, exclude weekends or see a rolling 9 days into the following week.

Click the new 'gear' icon at the top of the Planner to set your day view. Your settings will save across sessions.

Event interactions

You can click into any event to see more details about it in the right-hand pane of the Planner, as well as right-click it to see actions that you can take on the event. You can also drag and drop any Reclaim-managed event in the Planner as well as extend or shorten it.

Connected Calendars sidebar

You can show or hide the Connected Calendars sidebar by clicking the ⬅️ icon from within the Planner calendar view.

This view will only show you calendars that you've selected as Connected Calendars (i.e., any calendars that control your availability in Reclaim), and deselecting them in the sidebar will not cause them to become disconnected -- it will just hide them from being shown in the Planner. This is very similar to the view you have in Google Calendar's sidebar.

You can edit any of your Connected Calendars by pressing the Edit calendars button as shown above.

Details sidebar

The details sidebar has three modes that you can change based on context. You can open the details sidebar by clicking the ⬅️ icon as shown below:


This will show you all of your Reclaim-managed entities sorted by priority level. You can drag and drop stuff between Priority levels here, search through your items and take action on them here, and make edits to your smart events without leaving the planner by clicking on the edit (pen) icon.

For more info on using Priorities in the Planner, check out this doc.


Selecting the Tasks tab will show you your list of Tasks, sorted by priority level, including your Up Next Tasks. You can drag Tasks in and out of Up Next here as well as reprioritize them and take actions on them.

For more info on using Tasks in the Planner, check out this doc. For more info on prioritizing your Tasks, check out this doc.

Event details

Clicking on any event in the Planner will show details for it, which are contextually different depending on the type of event you pick. From here, you can take actions as well as get more context and details about the item that's behind the event.

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