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Weekly reports overview
Weekly reports overview

See how you're allocating your time across meetings, solo work sessions, personal time and free time via Weekly Reports emails.

Updated over 12 months ago

Weekly Reports from Reclaim provide you with a weekly summary of your Productivity Stats to help you understand how you're allocating your time, and preview your next week so you can plan out your high priority work.

By default, these reports are enabled for all Reclaim users. If you no longer wish to receive them, you can easily opt-out through the Notifications section of your Settings in the app.

When do I get my Weekly Reports?

Weekly Reports are delivered within the first hour of the last day of your Working Hours set in Reclaim (learn more about setting up your Hours here).

So, if your Working Hours end on Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm, your Weekly Report will be delivered between 8:00am-9:00am every Friday.

What's included in Weekly Reports

Productivity Stats

  • Personal Time: Time spent on Tasks and Habits created through Reclaim that are tagged as "Personal", as well as events that are synced from a personal calendar.

  • Solo Work: Time spent on Tasks and Habits created through Reclaim that are tagged as "Solo Work", or manually created time blocks on Google Calendar that do not include additional invitees.

  • Meetings: Total time spent in events with multiple invitees across one-on-one meetings, team meetings and external meetings.

Interesting Calendar Stats

In the colorful blocks below your three main Productivity Stats, you'll find additional stats on interesting insights pulled from your calendar. These callouts are automated through fun insights we thought you'd be interested in seeing, and may change from week to week!

Social Sharing

You can also share the top half of your Weekly Report, containing only the Productivity Stats and Interesting Calendar Stats (not your event details in the second half) via custom pages generated for you. We support sharing via:

  • Direct link

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • Facebook

What's up next week

In this section, you can see a preview of your primary calendar's schedule for next week to get an idea of your availability, priorities, and busiest/lightest days. Click into any of the day blocks or events to pull up the Reclaim Planner to modify or reprioritize your week.

Take a closer look

This section is dedicated towards your Tasks at Reclaim so you can see your highest priority work, and prioritized Habits you'd like to make time for next week.

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