Once you have the Reclaim extension for Raycast installed (learn how to get set up here), you can get quick access to all your Scheduling Links and generate custom one-off links to send for specific instances right from your desktop.
Reclaim 'Scheduling Links' command in Raycast
Open Raycast on your desktop (
β₯ Space
).Search for "Reclaim" to pull up commands.
Click the 'Scheduling Link' command to pull up your links.
From here, you can view your Scheduling Links and view its details like Hours, Organizers, and Duration.
Copy a Scheduling Link from Raycast
Select the Scheduling Link you want to copy from the list in the left hand side.
Click Copy Link to Clipboard (or
) to grab the Scheduling Link for quick sharing.
Personalize and share times from Scheduling Links
You can also generate one-off links and share times from your existing Scheduling Links that expire after 30 days (learn more about personalizing and sharing times from Scheduling Links in this doc).
Select the Scheduling Link you want to create a one-off link from the list in the left hand side.
Click Actions (or
β K
) and select Personalize and ShareThis will automatically open up the Personalize and Share form in the Reclaim app for you to personalize your link as well as share specific times.